How to find high-class escorts in Cannes Film Festival


Every year in May the cream of the film industry gather to South of France in Cannes International Film Festival. Top industry makers as well as A-list celebrities get together in high price posh parties and ridiculously priced luxury hotel rooms. Hollywood movie stars mix with European and Middle-Eastern royalty on the multimillion euro super yachts, sipping the most expensive champagnes. Celebrities and other wealthy guests stroll around the red carpets with the most beautiful women in the world and it makes you wonder where to find these gorgeous luxury companions in Cannes. Hundreds of escorts from all over the world travel to the Cannes Film Festival attending the parties and looking for clients in hotel lobbies, restaurants, clubs and marinas. However, the highest paid and the most expensive high-class escorts do not actively search for the clients, as the clients look them up online and most of the bookings are made well in advance, in order to get the perfect companion matching the your schedule.

How to find a high-class VIP escort in Cannes Film Festival

One of the most exquisite luxury courtesans and high-class VIP escorts is the lovely Tanya, a blonde Finnish ex-model and an independent escort based in Helsinki, Finland. She has attended the Cannes Film Festival parties a few times and finds the atmosphere really intriguing, whether the venue is on the red carpet, among the A-listers or a private party in an upscale hotel room. Her select clients are from royalty to wealthy businessmen as well as celebrities and politicians. She is sophisticated and elegant with a university education and her warm and sensual personality makes the encounter perfectly romantic, always with discretion. With her you can have a true and memorable girlfriend experience (GFE) as she speaks several languages fluently, including the universal body language. Her interests are in business, fashion, literature, arts as well as in sports and you can keep the conversation running all night long on any subject, always with a tip of humour. Her lifestyle is very healthy, however on special occasions she indulges herself with good champagne or quality wine. She loves to wear exclusive lingerie and high heels to make her all-natural and trimmed body to look even more beautiful. She finds escorting as a great adventure and a perfect way to meet new interesting people as well as to satisfy her sexual appetite.

Posted in High Class VIP Escort Courtesans.

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